Concierge style product development
Successful people usually have more ideas than time to realize them. We change that by minimizing client effort, custom tailoring our process to them. After all, making dreams real is meant to be fun.
Understand first
The first step is getting clear on what will work best. Our evaluation service gives clients a thorough understanding of technology choices, competitive landscape, patent availability, initial design ideas, and more. This leads to educated decisions and next steps.
Build a prototype
The next step is proving it can work by building a functional model. Using rapid prototyping methodology, we can go from idea to working prototype in months. While this version overly simplified, it gives a tangible demonstration of the technology. It becomes the basis for further refinement, giving confidence in what can be done.
Production Ready...and Beyond
Once the technology is proven, we get to work building an ideal version, which is ready for customer use and manufacturing. When done, our client has manifested their dream.
Clients might use it themselves, add it to their own company, or want help building a team to bring it to market. We have the ability to help as far as they need - up through building a team to run the new company.
You are receiving this email because someone believes you might know someone we can help. In other words if you know a successful person with great ideas, please let them know about us. If not, thanks for your time!